2/2013 pp. 3-14
Wybrane narzędzia komercyjne i niekomercyjne w nauczaniu języków obcych

The ICT market offers a variety of solutions dedicated to particular fields. Education is one of them. The article focuses on even more precise part of instruction, namely on teaching and learning foreign languages. The correlation between ICT and language has been proven in literature and research and development projects at least for the last 20 years. Thus both Charts included in the article (no 1 and 2) reveal only a sample of the mentioned projects. Nevertheless, the sample gives a clear picture of the cohesion of language and technology and shows some of commercial and non-commercial tools available. Further in the article a number of widely and globally used Web 2.0 solutions are presented with regard to foreign language teaching/leering. First, a short description of language dedicated tools: Hot Potatoes application and 3 e-learning dedicated platforms, has been presented. Then an online application (Popplet) and social network (Facebook) have been demonstrated in order to give a hint for adapting these to language instruction. Last but not least, a brief characterisation of a commercial e-learning platform (MyEnglishLab, Pearson) is put forward. The article is summed up with a reflection on the present situation followed by a recommendation for those involved in foreign language teaching.
Słowa kluczoweICT, Web 2.0, Foreign Language Teaching, Facebook, Hot Potatos, e-learning, Pearson, Popplet, Rosetta Stone, Livemocha, Methodology
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