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General and Professional Education
4/2014 pp. 74-78

Исторические этапы развития проблемы формирования компетенции ценностно-ориентированного делового общения у будущих экономистов (на примере иностранного языка)

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The main subject of the article is the history of building the competence of value-oriented business communication of future economists in foreign language acquisition. The importance of the problem is determined by globalization and integration of Russia into the global economy. Besides all the prospects for the Russian students who study economics, there are some serious concerns, such as economic interests of Russia and the need to preserve the values of the Russian culture that must be taken into account. Three stages of the problem evolution are described. The first stage (1960s – 1980s) is characterized by the emergency of such phenomena as competence approach and pedagogical axiology in education as well as Languages for Specific Purposes in foreign languages teaching methodology. The main features and factors of the second stage (1990s – 2009) are the collapse of the Soviet Union, turning of Russia to the market economy, growing interest to the competence approach and emergency of dissertations about building business communication skills in the foreign language. The third stage (2010 – till now) is characterized by switching Russia to the multi-level educational system (bachelor-master-postgraduate) and new standards of higher education where the results of education are described in terms of competences.

Słowa kluczowe

value-oriented business communication, competence, economist, educational standards, building business communication skills


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