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General and Professional Education
1/2016 pp. 16-25

Agresja w cyberprzestrzeni jako nowe ryzykowne zachowanie młodzieży

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The life of a modern man is strictly related with the more and more frequent and wider use of a variety of technological and technical innovations. The so-called „new media” (computers, internet, mobiles, smart phones, tablets) have deeply affected the present world. Internet is a medium, of which the dynamic development and potential can be used mainly by young people. It is an inseparable part of their social life, everyday activities and entertainment. Phenomenon of the Internet consists in the fact, that from the social point of view, it is currently something more than only the communication technology. However, apart from the unquestionable advantages of the new technologies, we should also be aware of some serious risks created by them. The most dangerous ones seem to be electronic aggression and cyberbullyng - online accusing, harassing, teasing and mocking in order to deliberately harm a person. Both affect and abuse children and teenagers. This article focuses on engagement of young people in online risky behaviours. Article presents researches that concerns risky behaviours of secondary school students in the cyberspace. It has been limited to situations in which the violators or victims of an activity in cyberspace are secondary school students who participated in the research.

Słowa kluczowe

risky behaviours, cyberspace, adolescents, aggression in cyberspace, cyberbullyng


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