backPowrót do 2/2016
General and Professional Education
2/2016 pp. 17-23

Mózg jako organ społeczny. Wykorzystanie modelu społecznych nagród i zagrożeń - SCARF - w szkoleniach z zakresu zarządzania oraz budowania relacji z klientem

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The article presents the use of the SCARF - social rewards and threats model by David Rock - in management and building customer relationships training. The SCARF model assumes that in all areas that require interpersonal relationships we can improve the effectiveness of influencing others by controlling the five key factors: Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness and Fairness. Improving the skills of positive influence on these parameters in other people through training sessions, has a direct impact on improving the competence in the field of customer service, people management and effective communication in task forces. The article presents the examples of exercises, developing the awareness of how important individual elements of the model are for the effective functioning in the business environment.

Słowa kluczowe

SCARF model, Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness, business training, influence others


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