4/2016 pp. 3-12
Wspomaganie procesu kształcenia w oparciu o symulator inspekcji statków dla zagadnień dotyczących przeglądów i inspekcji statków morskich
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Essential element relating to the safe operation of the ship is assessment of technical condition. This involves the need to obtain and renew a number of certificates under applicable regulations to confirming the proper technical condition of the ship. Due to a large scope and a lot of details in the inspection and technical analysis there is a need of very good theoretical knowledge and extensive professional experience. The article presents the usage of the inspection simulator of the vessel in the context of the inspection of the ship’s technical condition. Technical requirements in a relation to the convention or legal regulations related to the acquisition of the ship certificate confirming the condition are presented. The paper presents the possibilities of the simulator in the teaching of subject "Ship’s inspection, maintenance and repair".
Słowa kluczoweship inspection, ship’s certificates, ship safety, DNV survey simulator
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2. Chorab, P., Łozowicka, D., Symulator inspekcji statku w procesie dydaktycznym nauki elementów konstrukcji kadłuba statku, Logistyka, 6, 2014, CD.
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