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General and Professional Education
1/2017 pp. 20-26

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This article presents the results of research which should diagnose opinions and compare the assessments regarding the importance of selected media and technologies in pedagogical and educational work done by students of pedagogical and teaching majors in Poland and in Croatia. The research was conducted with the use of a diagnostic survey on 519 respondents from the University of Silesia in Katowice and the University of Split.

The explorations demonstrated the fact that the respondents highly assess the usefulness of new technologies and media in future professional work on a 5-grade scale. The computer with access to the Internet and the mobile phone are particularly appreciated. Such Internet resources as Khan Academy, MOOC, OER are perceived in negative terms. The respondents believe that the media and new technologies can contribute to the development of knowledge to the highest degree, to a slightly lower degree – to the development of skills, and to the lowest degree – to the development of competences. They will be most effective in work with young people and adults. The nationality and the country of origin are factors diversifying the opinion in certain scopes in the presented explorations.

Słowa kluczowe

comparative research, higher education, ICT, learning, media tools, teacher and educator training


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