backPowrót do 1/2017
General and Professional Education
1/2017 pp. 49-53

Czynniki wpływające na efekty osiągane w nauce – badanie wstępne

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Epidemiological studies show that physical activity, proper and rational nutrition, habits, household inner peace, the climatic conditions play a major role in shaping health behavior among young people, which significantly affects the achievement of good results in science. Objective - to investigate the relationship between factors associated with lifestyle of students from different universities in Krakow and their places of residence during the studies, and their impact on the results achieved in science, which is reflected in the average grade achieved during the academic year. The study included 527 students, among which 48.01% were men and 51.99% women, mean age 23.7 ± 0.9 years. They represented 6 Krakow's universities. To obtain information on the lifestyle, the preferred way of learning and place of residence during study used diagnostic survey method using measurement techniques. Assessment of the average grade, obtained after the end of the previous year of study was performed.

It has been shown that the effects surveyed achieved by students in science expressed grade point average of at least 4.0 on which diet and regular physical activity have a significant impact. Successes in science were associated with the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. It was also significantly associated with higher average rate of sweets consumption. Students with better results in learning practiced sport at least 3 times a week. The length of sleep correlates negatively with average ratings, and therefore regular physical activity seems to be more important for students. Living with parents has no significant direct impact on the results achieved in the study expressed in grade point average, but affects more regular sport activity.

Słowa kluczowe

factors affecting academic performance, lifestyle, eating and living habits, factors affecting the grade average


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