4/2017 pp. 29-35
Rola profesjonalnych pacjentów symulowanych w nauczaniu komunikacji klinicznej

Clinical communication is an art that determines a professional attitude of a physician to a patient, increasing a chance for the therapeutic success. At the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University Medical College students take clinical communication classes from the second year of study. Since the 2015/2016 academic year, classes have been held with trained simulated patients. The purpose of this questionnaire study was to determine the significance of professional simulated patients in teaching clinical communication and perception of the course by medical students. Qualitative analysis of the anonymous questionnaires showed that classes with professional simulated patients, preceded by the students’ preparation for the classes, allow to master the communication skills of future physicians. Students prefer to play scenes with professional simulated patients that allow them to understand the emotions of the patients. Playing scenes in the classroom allows students to "enter both the doctor's shoes and the patient's shoes". It allows them to practice emotionally difficult situations in repetitive and safe (laboratory) environment - with simulated patients.
Słowa kluczoweclinical communication, professional simulated patients, Laboratory of Clinical Teaching, medical didactics, clinical teaching, medical education, Department of Medical Education
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