backPowrót do 3/2018
General and Professional Education
3/2018 pp. 11-16

Wpływ osobowości eksperta na proces oceny rozwiązań projektowych w uczelni technicznej

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The article presents the characteristics of the expert as a person evaluating new technical solutions proposed by the students of a technical university. The initial chapters present a general characterisation of the expert, identifying particularly the most-sought-after qualities. Another aspect which was also taken into account were the expectations of the students and the assessed persons towards the expert, with particular focus on the social and educational aspects. The subsequent chapter concerning the social context of the evaluation of adults is an important aspect of this subject. Another chapter, which discusses evaluation distortions caused by imposing particular perspectives on the solutions being evaluated, illustrates the significance of the description and the definition of the main objective of the specific project task. The analytical part is based on a survey carried out among a group of subjects who evaluated their possessing of personality traits by a given group. The analysed traits included attitudes towards risk, motivations for their actions, and the way in which they reacted to stressful situations. The results obtained proved that experts are people who depend on their own judgement and independence in decision-making, and who pursue success and avoid failures, with moderate stress tolerance. The concluding chapter presents the way in which evaluation is made using the author’s own research tool, which draws on the AHP method.

Słowa kluczowe

multiple-criteria decision analysis, expert personality, psychology of assessment, app design


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