4/2016 pp. 26-33
Nauka efektywnej energetycznie jazdy samochodem elektrycznym – analiza wyników szkolenia z wykorzystaniem symulatora jazdy samochodu osobowego

The efficiency of electric motors and the development of the advanced energy storage make that electric vehicles are a technical and economical alternative to combustion vehicles. The electric vehicles have certain advantages, which increase the interest in of the transport in this type. In the first place on the user side, replace the lower operating costs and higher energy efficiency. A further reduction in energy costs can be achieved by recovering braking energy and charge the battery during lower tariff. An important element is the training of novice drivers of electric vehicles at the aim of the energy efficient driving. During training at the Motor Transport Institute students go through a theoretical course, which is aimed to explore the principles of electric cars, the elements of the dynamics of electric vehicles movement and the principles of energy efficient driving.
Słowa kluczowedriving simulator, car driving, energy efficient driving
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