4/2016 pp. 34-38
Edukacja spersonalizowana w dydaktyce medycznej

Mentoring, tutoring and coaching are the new teaching methods, based on the personalized education. The assumption of personalized education is a comprehensive development of a student. The development is connected with many aspects: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical. The authors of the publication introduced tutoring to medical education in 2016, as the part of PhD studies in medical sciences at the Jagiellonian University Medical College. Aim of the study: The assessment of usefulness of personalized education methods in medical teaching. Methods: Qualitative study. The authors analyzed essays prepared by the participants of the study. The topic of the essays was personalized education in medical education. We analyzed also the results of the interviews with students during tutoring. The classes were attended by 33 students: 10 men and 23 women. 92.3% of the students were satisfied with the topics of the classes. Students believe that there is a place for the methods of personalized education in the medical education. According to the authors of the essays: tutoring is a particularly important and valuable method of personalized education, as a method of awareness-raising of hidden potential, developing the strongest features of the student (tutee). Tutoring gives benefits to the teacher – tutor and student- tutee and it is very important for the participants of the study, mutual good. Methods of personalized education, particularly tutoring, are the perfect tools that give opportunities of the comprehensive and individual development of all students.
Słowa kluczowetutoring, mentoring, coaching, personalized education, medical education, qualitative study
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