3/2017 pp. 11-17
Методология быстрого погружения студента-механика в области CAD и CAE одновременно
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Methodology of quick primary entry into conjugated CAD- and CAE-area is proposed for mechanical students. Three generally known tasks are solved by FEA simulation during three lessons― bracket underweight, curved pipeline pressurizing, cut in welded gas cylinder. Numerous transitions between CAD and CAE are provided. Main technics of 3D-modelling are studied. Loading by force and pressure became known. Students have embraced idea of main stresses triad in each point of model. Everyone can enforce to spot stress concentrators and to find out ways of their alleviation. Methodology is proved during several years. It is feasible just for all students.
Słowa kluczowemachine-building, 3D-model, simulation, FEA-analyses, stress concentration, artefact
Literatura1. Zenkevich, O., Morgan, K., Konechnyye elementy i approksimatsiya: per. s angl. Mir, Moskva, 1986.
2. Downar, S., Jakimowicz, A., Jakubowski, Cz., Jakubowski, A., Conception of simultaneous teaching the students of direction "Machine design" to three-dimensional modeling and virtual testing by FEM-analysis, General and professional education, 1, 2016, pp. 26‒32.