backPowrót do 4/2017
General and Professional Education
4/2017 pp. 55-62

Парадигма подготовки студентов в аспекте гидропривода

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The article considers the peculiarities of preparing students in the aspect of hydraulic drive, which amounts to the development of a qualitatively new concept. Quality is evidenced by the results in the form of an increase in the value of the labor frame and demand in the market, the ways and methods of achieving which are embedded in the formed paradigm. In the center of attention there is the discipline "Hydraulic drive", within the framework of which the problems of effective development of discipline are considered. Proposed technique allows to increase the level of organization, planning and coordination of the educational process in order to obtain a class of elite specialists in the engineering field.

Słowa kluczowe

hydraulic drive, paradigm, audience lessons, elite specialists, process map, SADT methodology, the value of an engineer


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