1/2018 pp. 26-32
Wybrane metody dydaktyczne stosowane w edukacji studentów medycyny w Zakładzie Dydaktyki Medycznej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Collegium Medicum. Co nowego w dydaktyce medycznej?

The Department of Medical Education of the Jagiellonian University Medical College holds courses for students of the Faculty of Medicine. Future doctors are prepared for the first contact with a patient already during basic nursing skills course such as blood pressure measurement or blood collection. During Laboratory Training of Clinical Skills course, which has been implemented since the 2nd year, and lasts for 4 years of the studies, students acquire communication skills and have possibility to practice practical and manual skills necessary in the medical profession in safe and standardised conditions. Exceptional emphasis in teaching is placed on the training of communication skills and on the attitude of future doctors, particularly respect and understanding of the patients' perspective. Also surgical skills, such as suturing, are mastered at the Department. The classes use various teaching methods, e.g. giving mini-lecture, watching original films, however, the most important advantage of all courses implemented in the Department is the possibility of practical, individual training under the supervision of a qualified academic teacher. In the academic year 2017/2018, the modified Peyton method was introduced to the physical examination training. The method of crediting courses is adapted to the purpose of a course. It is both a continuous assessment in the classroom, as well as the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) exams.
Słowa kluczowemedical didactics, medical education, clinical communication, medical simulation, doctor-patient communication, methodology of clinical communication teaching, Department of Medical Education of Jagiellonian University Medical College, OSCE
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2. Skrzypek, A., Kocurek, A., Stalmach–Przygoda, A., Małecki, Ł., Górski, S., Kowalska, B., Szeliga, M., Jabłoński, K., Matłok, M., Cebula, G., Nowakowski, M., Rola profesjonalnych pacjentów symulowanych w nauczaniu komunikacji klinicznej (The role of professional simulated patients in teaching of clinical Communications), General and Professional Education, 4, 2017, s. 29-35.
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