1/2018 pp. 33-39
Propozycja polskiej wersji skali AACS (Amsterdamska Skala Postaw i Komunikacji) zmodyfikowanej do potrzeb oceny wolontariuszy opiekujących się chorymi w hospicjum. Zastosowanie jej w praktyce.
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Amsterdam Attitude and Communication Scale (AACS) is a scale designed for a comprehensive assessment of communication skills and professional attitudes of medical students. It consists of nine observed categories. The first five refer to relationships with patients, and the next four to attitudes towards other members of the interdisciplinary team, towards oneself and the medical profession. Each factor is evaluated on a five-point scale.
The publication presents the use of this scale to evaluate volunteers who take care of patients in a hospice. Scale was the research tool used during a hidden standardized long-term observation. The study confirmed its usefulness in practice. The team evaluated volunteers according to the modified AACS scale assessed its usefulness highly. It was suggested that it would be easier for them to evaluate if the individual categories were rated on a scale of 1-3 instead of the five-point scale used in the presented study and the original AACS scale. The most difficult to assess in the opinion of observers was category 6: Insight into one’s own emotions, norms, values and prejudices.
Słowa kluczoweassessment of attitudes, assessment of communication, AACS scale, standardized long-term observation, verification of volunteers
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